Big Bud HN 250, Morris Equipment, Phiber Dash Trailer, and More!

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Farming Simulator Top Stories

New Mods

No mods in testing today as Giants are out of the office for Easter, however we still got mods! 4 new and updated mods were released today on the ingame modhub. I have already made a video showing these off, so make sure you check that out if you haven’t seen it yet.

Farming Simulator Modding News

Classic American Icons Modding

Jumping over to modder news, Classic American Icons Modding dropped a screenshot of their Big Bud HN 250 showing off some of the animations that the tractor will have; like the opening hood and side door. They wanted to get the cab to tilt back, but weren’t about to make that happen as it was too tricky to work. Still, some nice animations are coming!

Ex0Blode Modding

Next, Ex0Blode Modding says they have come to an agreement with Morris Equipment to bring some of their equipment into Farm Sim 22 as mods. Ex0Blode’s post was written in a way that made it sound like they are partnered with “the site”, but looks like it’s just a modder thing. 

They started making Morris mods a few months ago, but nothing was said about Console; which is why I didn’t report on them. Well now with this news, it looks like some Morris mods WILL be coming to console; once they pass testing of course. Currently, they are working on the:

  • 9650 Air Cart
  • C2 Contour 90’ Drill
  • And Quantum Air Drill

Jos Modding

Jos Modding is on a roll, with the release of his Pancake Production update today, and next with this Liftable Bales Pack Update 1.1.2. Jos posted this teaser along with the Changelog;

  • Changed dimensions for square and round bales to support base game equipment and other mods
  • And added 2000 and 5000 liter bales to John Deere CP690


Mlody98 is back with us for the first time in a while to share some information about their Amazone UX5200 Sprayer! It’s an FS13 Model, but they have improved it over time; even since the most recent version in FS19! Back then it had different working widths of 24, 30, 36, and 40 meters with a capacity of 5600. For FS22, they are wanting to add an additional version of 27 or 28 meters to more fit with “technological paths” whatever they mean by that. Mlody released a StrawPoll on the matter, which you can check out and cast your vote on now!

Bcbuhler Farms

Bcbuhler Farms went live yesterday, showing off their Phiber Dash progress, and how it works in game. The live stream is almost 3 hours long, so if you’ve got the afternoon off today, it might be a great time to grab that chocolate bunny you got for Easter and veg out for a while! One thing we did learn is that the trailer will also be usable as a Bale-Autoload Semi Trailer! I want to thank Jos Modding for sharing that information! You rock dude!

MrHector Mods

And lastly today, MrHector Mods has some more information on update 1.1 for Carpathian Countryside. The railroads will be getting updated with new collisions on the rails, with less of a defined spot, and more of an overall collision around the whole train rail system. This should allow for more performance in those areas, and keep equipment from getting stuck so easily.

Additionally, there’s a new Growth Calendar for more realistic planting and harvesting for the region. Mainly, differences between Wheat and Barley, allowing you to plant them in the spring, and harvest starting in the summer. Great updates for an awesome map!



Giants Software
