Container Mods, DLC First Looks, Farm Sim Show, & More!

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Farming Simulator Top Stories

Mods In Testing

Starting off with the mods in testing. Today, we’ve got 41 mods on the list.

  • 32 in Stage 1/PC Testing
  • And 9 in Stage 2/Console Testing

We still have 178 mods sitting waiting to be tested. And the current average waiting time for newly submitted mods is about 6 workdays. To get a closer look at the testing list, check it out linked below.

Göweil Pack

Today is first-look day, and videos for the Göweil Pack have started to drop! I released mine earlier this morning, around 5am eastern, so definitely go check that out if you haven’t seen it already! I showed off all of the equipment and machinery, along with the new functionality! So, definitely check out that video after this one!

Fact Sheet Friday

Today is also Friday, meaning its Fact Sheet Friday, and we’ve got the last fact sheets of the Göweil DLC! The Vario-Master V140 and the LT-Master F115. Both machines are very similar, with the V140 making 125 and 150cm round bales, and the F115 making only 125cm bales. Fact sheets for both of these machines can be found in the description. And of course, they can be found in my video from earlier!

Farm Sim Show

And since today is Friday, that also means it’s Farm Sim Show podcast day. Today’s show will be on Klutch’s YouTube & Twitch, as well as my Facebook, starting at 3pm eastern, 12pm pacific. Today, we’ll be talking about The new DLC, all the biggest stories from this week, as well as some other goodies, so make sure you don’t miss it!

Farming Simulator Modding News

EY Modding

EY Modding has completed the John Deere 4320. He’s released another video on his YouTube channel of the final product, and we should see this mod heading to Giants for testing very soon for all platforms!

Hispano Modding

Hispano Modding has updates on quite a few projects today, starting off with the Flat Rack Containers, which he says are done! They haven’t been sent off for testing, however he will send them next week. And sometime later today or tomorrow he’s planning on going live on his new twitch account, which will be really cool to see! I can’t wait! 

As for what’s next, he’s going to start working on the Pivots again, but with Console Players in mind. He can’t promise anything, but he’s going to try! Then, he’s going to work on the normal containers, which will feature doors on the back and sides for loading in items like you normally would in real life. 

And lastly, he’s going to start working on a tractor! It will be the Universal U650, aka Lizard U650 for console players. And for this one, he’s already started working on it! Lots of great things heading our way in the soon and distant future! I can’t wait!

HR Forst

Next up, HR Forst are working on ANOTHER new mod for all platforms, this one is a Universal Rear Hitch for all semi trucks that don’t have one. It’s fully adjustable, and the position can be locked after adjustment. I’m not 100% sure how it will work, but I’m guessing it will hook up via rear hitch or 5th wheel somehow. Either way, a very cool idea and I can’t wait to see how it’s implemented!

Sleutjes Modding

After the most recent Patch 1.9, a few mods stopped working the way you would expect. One of those being the John Deere 1210A from Sleutjes Modding. This mod’s discharge auger wasn’t recognised after the latest update, but they have fixed it up and submitted the change for testing. Hopefully we will see this updated soon!

Casearias Modding

Casearias Modding show off more progress on their Case IH 2400 Concord Tow-Between Cart for all platforms. It’s gotten some decals and some new config options since we last saw it about 2 weeks ago, and just a reminder, it will be coming with the Case IH SDX30 ft drill!

Caleruega Modding

Caleruega Modding has finished up one of the largest tub trailers in the Spanish Market, made by Camara! It will feature;

  • Forced steering axles
  • Tire suspension
  • And scissor-type swing

Caleruega Modding always does a great job and have brought us many different Camera Trailers, and this will be another great one to add to their collection!

Taylor Farms

And lastly today, Taylor Farms is back! Again (haha) Some players have asked if he could update his maps with the new storage barn, and he’s spoken to Giants and has actually been given the green-light to add the feature to one of his barns! So, he’ll be pushing another update through on all his maps and the shed pack to add this barn! It will not require a new save, and is a feature he wants players to be able to use on his maps. He’s going to take a few days, but we should see all his maps and the newly released Michigan Shed Pack sent off for testing sometime soon!


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Göweil DLC First Look –
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DjGoHam Facebook –
EY –
John Deere 4320 –
Hispano –
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Sleutjes –
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Taylor Farms –