MNMF Finally Returning, DLC Release Times, and new GoKart!

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Farming Simulator Top Stories

New Mod

There was one new mod released today; the Stara Bruttus 18000. This Spreader folds for transportation, and unfolds to ‘drop’ the crop on the ground rather than spread it. It’s a super cool way to do it, just make sure you’ve got enough power! It only requires 200 hp, but it weighs 9.1 tons empty, and holds 18.000 liters of lime or solid fertilizer. I used a larger-medium tractor (Claas Axion) and it had a hard time stopping.

Mod Update

We also have one mod update; the Vaderstad Spirit R 300S from Giants Software. This is update

  • Fixed Animation

The update is out now for all platforms. No other mods were released today.

DLC Release

Tomorrow is DLC day, and it looks like Giants have been working on an update to the pack to get some things fixed. However, I’m not sure if they’ll be able to get everything fixed by the time it releases tomorrow. Usually, the DLC’s drop at different times for different platforms. The Giants Version for PC releases around 12am German Time, which is 6pm Eastern, 3pm Pacific today. 

Steam and Epic Games versions are all over the place, but they are generally the same. Although, in the past, Steam has received the dlc much later. As for Xbox, it’s usually closer to Mid-day German Time, although recently they’ve been releasing DLC’s a little earlier. And PlayStation is never the same. Sometimes it’s early, sometimes it’s the next day. 

I will do my best to keep an eye out for what times each DLC Version drops, and you can check the status on my Discord, linked below. And just a reminder, nothing has changed since the first videos released last Friday. Things are still broken, not working, or just not quite right. 

Almost every piece of equipment in this pack has something wrong going on, even with the shed models. I wouldn’t expect a huge change to incorrect models, but hopefully at least the scripts and xlm’s will work correctly by the time it releases for all platforms.

Farming Simulator Modding News

Gian FS

Jumping over to modder news – Over the weekend on Saturday, Gian FS dropped some screenshots of a small frame, which quite a few of us thought would be some sort of GoCart or Buggy.

And yesterday, we got our answer! It’s a short and wide little GoCart with some pretty neat customization! Actually, haven’t we seen this before? YEAH! The Kart Pallet from Gian FS that dropped back in February! Looks similar, with the same customization, just a different frame.

The front steering column is also different, and angled a bit on the new one. Gives it a more sporty and stream-lined look. All their mods are for all platforms, and I don’t see this being any different.

Adub Modding

Next up, Adub Modding has got something very different – a moveable chicken coop! This would be purely a decoration, and is shown here being moved by smaller wheel loaders, front loader, skidsteer, and even on a lowboy! Very neat idea! Oh, what if this was part of a production pack? Now THAT would be cool!

Mappers Paradise

And lastly, Mappers Paradise asks if you would like to see the Millennial Farmer Map brought over to FS22? I thought it was already happening, as it has been teased here and there for a while. But it looks like the final decision has not been made yet. They do say that in FS22, we wouldn’t have the option for areas ‘outside the map’ like we did for the store and sale point in FS19. But that’s totally ok with me, just shrink down the top part of the map. Works for me! 

I’m interested to see what Mappers Paradise could do with the map for FS22, and with the game seemingly coming to an end, I’m not actually sure how much time would be left. But hey, you never know.



Giants Software
