TLX Phantom, 1988 Chevy Custom, and Big Bud Pack!

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Farming Simulator Top Stories

Mods In Testing

Starting off with the mods testing list. Today, we’ve got 149 mods on the list:

  • 102 in Stage 1 (PC Testing)
  • 47 in Stage 2 (Console Testing)

We still have 163 mods sitting waiting to be tested. And the current average waiting time for newly submitted mods is about 6 workdays.

New Mods

In addition to the mods in testing, 30 new and updated mods were released today on the ingame modhub. I have already made a video showing these off, so make sure you check that out if you haven’t seen it already!

PAX East

PAX East was last week, and I’m finally back in the studio! Farmer Cop also made the trip back with me and will be staying for the next week, so expect plenty of shenanigans! I also have a vlog from the event, which will be posted in the next few days! Oh, and of course don’t forget the Farm Sim Show from last week! That was an interesting one as well!

FSL at Caggtus

If the FSL is more your thing, the next Farming Simulator League Tournament will be held next weekend at CAGGTUS in Leipzig, Germany! This is the second-to-last tournament of Season 5 before the championships at FarmCon in July! The event next weekend should start at 10am CET, 4am Eastern, 1am Pacific on YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook.

Farming Simulator Modding News

Classic American Icons Modding

Jumping over to modder news – Classic American Icons Modding dropped a post yesterday showing progress of their Big Buds. If you remember about a month ago, they halted production of the mods due to something that was happening in the background. In their latest post, they praised Giants and Farm Sim for having their backs and said that if anything changed they would let us know. I’m still a bit confused by this, but it appears that they are back on the testing list, which is great news!

82 Studio

Next up – 82 Studio has made more progress on his TLX Phantom Semi Truck, with a few live streams over the last 2 weeks! Specifically, work is being done on the Single Cab version, with all the customization options you can think of! Plus I mean, come on, look at this thing! It’s epic! Check out his latest live stream on YouTube for all the juicy deets!

Sleutjes Modding

Sleutjes Modding have a few more pics of their 1988 Chevy Pickup Custom, with the Case IH Design in a Service-bed form and we have it in a plain – undesigned setup as well with a pickup bed that says “turbo” on the back. Either way you use it, it’s a pretty cool truck! No extra information to share as of today, but we now know it will come in a few other configs.

Rooster Mods

And lastly today – Rooster Mods dropped some info on their Parker Wagons, saying that the 4000 version will have the option of either the normal tires, OR the 385/65R22.5 Truck Tires! If you are the kind of farmer that needs to haul 950 bushels at a time down a long stretch of highway, then this option will work great for you! 

Rooster has also added a lift assist spring support to the tongue for extra realism, so it no longer sits on the ground. The console version is nearing completion, so keep an eye out for more info once it’s ready to rock!



Giants Software